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Class 11 Biology Syllabus & sample paper term 1 2021-22


Welcome student, we present the syllabus & sample paper Class 11 Biology Syllabus & sample paper term 1 2021-22, it is released by the cbse official. 

Biology syllabus :-.  Term 1

(I)Diversity of Living Organisms: Chapter - 1, 2, 3 and 4  ~  15 Marks

(II)Structural Organization in Plants and Animals: Chapter – 5 and 7 ~  08 marks

(III)Cell: Structure and Function: Chapter – 8 and 9 ~ 12 marks 

Total Marks - 35


Term – I

Unit-I Diversity of Living Organisms

Chapter-1: The Living World

What is living? Biodiversity; Need for classification; three domains of life; concept of species 

and taxonomical hierarchy; binomial nomenclature.

Chapter-2: Biological Classification

Five kingdom classification; Salient features and classification of Monera, Protista and Fungi 

into major groups; Lichens, Viruses and Viroids.


Chapter-3: Plant Kingdom

Salient features and classification of plants into major groups - Algae, Bryophyta, Pteridophyta 

and Gymnospermae. (salient and distinguishing features and a few examples of each category). 

Chapter-4: Animal Kingdom

Salient features and classification of animals, non-chordates up to phyla level and chordates up 

to class level (salient features and distinguishing features of a few examples of each category).

(No live animals or specimen should be displayed.)

Unit-II Structural Organization in Animals and Plants

Chapter-5: Morphology of Flowering Plants

Morphology of inflorescence and flower, Description of 01 family: Solanaceae or Liliaceae (to 

be dealt along with the relevant experiments of the Practical Syllabus).


Chapter-7: Structural Organization in Animals

Animal tissues. 

Unit-III Cell: Structure and Function

Chapter-8: Cell-The Unit of Life

Cell theory and cell as the basic unit of life, structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells; Plant 

cell and animal cell; cell envelope; cell membrane, cell wall; cell organelles - structure and 

function; endomembrane system, endoplasmic reticulum, golgi bodies, lysosomes, vacuoles, 

mitochondria, ribosomes, plastids, microbodies; cytoskeleton, cilia, flagella, centrioles 

(ultrastructure and function); nucleus.

Chapter-9: Biomolecules

Chemical constituents of living cells: biomolecules, structure and function of proteins,


Sample Paper Of Biology Term 1

Class 11 Biology Syllabus & sample paper term 1 2021-22 is officially released by the cbse and if you wanna download it then you can download from the official websites 
Click here to download it, note that this link will redirect you to edudel websites where every subject sample download link is given with solutions so click it and download 
Thanks for reading. 

Attempt The MCQ's of Biology Chapters 

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