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MCQ Question for class 11 Biology Ch 1 The Living World

Welcome we present the MCQ Question for  class 11 Biology Ch 1 The Living World, this MCQ is prepared on the latest syllabus and latest pattern which is released by the CBSE.

 Question 1. 
Increase in body mass can be
considered a criterion for growth in
(a) living being 
(b) non-living matter
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these


(c) both a and b

 Question 2. 
Choose an appropriate option to
complete the given statement.
In plants, growth takes place by ....
throughout their lifespan.
(a) cell dedifferentiation
(b) cell differentiation
(c) cell multiplication
(d) None of the above


(c) cell multiplication

 Question 3. 
Growth in unicellular organisms can be
observed by
(a) counting the mass of cultured cells
(b) analysing the amount of nutrients absorbed
by living organism
(c) growth cannot be observed
(d) simply counting the number of cells under
microscope during in vitro culture


(d) Growth occurs in unicellular organisms by cell division. It can be observed in in vitro culture by counting the number of cells under the microscope.

 Question 4. 
In most of the higher animals and
plants, reproduction and growth are
(a) synonymous events
(b) mutually exclusive events
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above


(b) mutually exclusive events

 Question 5. 
What kind of growth is exhibited by
non-living organisms?
(a) Accumulation of material on surface
(b) Accumulation of material inside
(c) Growth from inside
(d) None of the above


(a) accumulation of material on surface

  Question 6. 
Which of the following characteristics is
not a defining character of living
(a) Growth
(b) Growth and reproduction
(c) Reproduction
(d) Growth and metabolism


(b) growth and reproduction

 Question 7.
Metabolism can be best defined as
(a) the process in which a chemical is formed
inside a body
(b) the process in which a chemical is
destroyed inside a body
(c) the sum total of all chemical reactions
occurring in a body
(d) a complex construction process only


(c) the sum of total of all chemical reaction occuring in our body

 Question 8. 
Consciousness is the defining property
of living organisms because
(a) photoperiod affects reproduction in
seasonal breeders in both plants and
(b) plants respond to external factors like
temperature and light
(c) human is aware of himself
(d) All of the above


(d) all pf the above

 Question 9.
Higher level of organisation emerges
from interactions among organelles.
(a) True (b) False
(c) Cannot say (d) Partially true or false


(a) true

 Question 10. 
Biodiversity can be best defined as
(a) occurrence of the number and types of
(b) species and ecosystem of a region
(c) variety of life in an ecosystem
(d) totality of genes, species and ecosystem of
a given region 


(a) occurence of the no. and typee pf organims

 Question 11.
Scientific name of plants are given by
(a) International code for Botanical nomenclature
(b) International code for biological plants
(c) Indian code for Botanical nomenclature
(d) International code for zoological nomenclature


(a) International code for botanucal nomenclature

 Question 12. 
Systematics deals with
(a) Nomenclature of new organisms
(b) Evolutionary relationship between organisms
(c) Identification of newly discovered organisms
(d) All of these


(d) all of the above

 Question 13. 
Wheat belongs to division ______.
(a) Angiospermae
(b) Gymnospermae
(c) Poacae
(d) None of the above


(a) angiosperms

 Question 14. 
The Correct Scientific name of Mango is 
(a) Mangifera Indica 
(b) mangifera india 
(c)  Mangifera indica
(d) indica mangirfera  


(c)Mangifera indica 
Because the scientific name should in italics or also underlined and the second name should start with small letter

 Question 15. 
On going to species to Kingdom divisions, the common characteristics will be 
(a) increase
(b) decrease
(c) first decrease than increase 
(d) all of the above 


(b) decrease the common characteristics is decreased on going species to Kingdom because species is smaller group, and kingdom is group of Phylum, and phylum is grouo of so many................... Find yourself



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